A Personal Note - Miss you all!
Hello friends, I just wanted to take a moment to share some personal stuff. As some of you know, it’s been a tough couple of years, but an especially rough past year as my mama battles Alzheimer’s disease. I have been spending most of my time in New Brunswick taking care of her. This means my days are now filled with equal parts love, patience, and answering the same question 18 times in a row. That said, it’s still business as usual! While I may be juggling a few extra responsibilities, my commitment to you remains as strong as ever....
The Cat and the Squirrel
First, let me say that I grew up in Moncton NB, and we NEVER saw squirrels growing up. We see them a bit nowadays. One day in 1987... My cat wants to go outside. Nothing new here. As I'm letting her out, I notice a squirrel in our tree (a double trunked tree) in the front yard. Cute! I watch as my cat runs up the tree after it, and the squirrel just jumps over to the other tree. My cat stops and just looks down and then over at the other tree, in a "wtf" kind of way. She...
Apple Crumbles and Mom visits
One of a Kind Show!
I am so excited to be back at the One of a Kind Show next week! I will be at booth D9 It's been a long two years, as we all know. But here we are. I still knock on wood, even though it's less than a week away, cause we all know that anything can happen. :) I hope to see you at the show! It runs from November 25th to December 5th at Exhibition Place in Toronto. You do need to book your tickets in advance this year because of Covid. Just visit the One of a Kind Show website:...
My Favourite Cake
As I sit here typing this, I've got my mom to my left, You've Got Mail on the TV to my right. It's Sunday afternoon. My little vacation comes to an end tomorrow. Then, it'll be back to the grind (which I love and always miss when I'm away). As per usual, I baked our favourite cake while I was here. There are two pieces left, and we will eat them tonight. :) I have a book called Sky High. It's a book filled with triple layer cakes. The maple walnut cake has been made so many times that if...